Did you read the rules? : Yes
Do you agree to follow the Rules?: No (Ahm a rebel)
RP Style: Novella
Roleplay Rating: Mature but I'm adaptable to either.
Name: Goten
Age: 16
Race: Saiyan
RP sample: Tis Goten from Ultimatepride. You should know how I rp if you've seen some of my old stuff XD.
Tail?: Nope
Techniques: I'll look that up later
Character Apperance: scraggily clothes, mainly cause he's poor, medium build.
Character Bio: To be written
Starting Planet: Earth
Other: I wont be rping much until I get some time. Just wanted to mainly sign up and stay in touch with friends and stuff and since I'm not admining a site and with a kid on the way this will allow me to do things at my own pace without the worry of "site updates, etc" especially if I fall off the net for a bit from rl emergencies and with a kid and how easily they catch colds and such, chances are doctor visits will be frequent.